2.5 Stillbirth and FGR ctd (3/3) Copy

The association between SGA/FGR and stillbirth and is further shown by assessing the impact of antenatal detection on outcome. 

As the figure shows, a baby SGA/FGR in utero has a substantially increased risk; this risk is even higher if the SGA status is not detected; and approximately halved if it IS detected.

Antenatal  detection results in earlier delivery, but only by an average of ten days, which is a reflection that most of these cases are late onset FGR.   

16. Gardosi J, Madurasinghe V, Williams M, Malik A, Francis A, Maternal and fetal risk factors for stillbirth: population based study BMJ 2013;346:f108 http://www.bmj.com/content/346/bmj.f108