3.11 Fetal Growth Surveillance (1/3) Copy

  • The care pathway 17 outlines the suggested level of surveillance when placental insufficiency is suspected by an EFW <10th centile or slow growth, with or without abnormal Dopplers. Fetal medicine involvement should be sought at early gestations, e.g. before 32-34 weeks.
  • In pregnancies with evidence of growth restriction (EFW<3rd centile and/or slow growth and/or abnormal Dopplers), delivery will be indicated by 37.0 weeks or earlier according to severity and Doppler findings.
  • If growth velocity and Dopplers are normal, an EFW <3rd centile should still be considered FGR and the baby delivered before the end of 37 weeks (37 weeks 6 days).

17. GAP Guidance. Perinatal Institute 2020. https://www.perinatal.org.uk/GAPguidance.pdf