3.6 Risk Assessment (1/3) Copy

  • Early pregnancy risk assessment and triage into the correct care pathway is an essential part of care. The significance of risk factors is determined by the severity of current and previous conditions and other circumstances. Women at  moderate and high risk should undergo an initial obstetric review to help determine the appropriate pathway and level required for investigations and surveillance.
  • ‘Previous SGA’, if determined by customised centiles, is more likely to be due to FGR than if SGA is determined by population centiles. It is therefore more likely to represent high risk and is often the only available indicator of the likelihood that there was indeed previous FGR. Obstetric review should consider severity, gestational age at onset (if known), gestational age at delivery and associated factors such as preeclampsia. 
  • NB diabetes (pre-existing or arising during pregnancy)  and multifetal pregnancy are covered by their respective NICE guidelines 18, 19 and are out of scope of this pathway.

18. Diabetes in pregnancy: management from preconception to the postnatal period NICE Guideline NG3 

19.  Twin and triplet pregnancy – NICE guideline NG 137. https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng137